Here are further details about the on-line Vedanta courses being provided by Chinmaya International Foundation:
Chinmaya International Foundation is offering courses of Vedanta, Bhagawad Geeta, Sanskrit, Vedic Mathematics, Bhagavad and Make It Happen (Course on Self-Transformation) in the postal and online modes.
CIF has recently launched the Learning Sanskrit Grammar – the Paninian Way, a Webinar Course, and this has received enthusiastic response.
On the occasion of the Chinmaya Centenary Year, CIF is happy to announce launch of the Webinar Mode for its Foundation and Advanced Vedanta Courses and also its popular Bhagavad Gita Course. The uniqueness of the Webinar Course is that participants will be directly and actively assisted by Chinmaya Mission Acharyas during their course study. Hence the advantage of doing the courses through Webinar, as compared to the postal and online modes, cannot be overemphasised.
Please Note the Following Details Pertaining to the Webinar Courses.
Webinar Course Donation:
- Foundation Vedanta Course – US$ 250
- Advance Vedanta Course – US$ 250
- Bhagavad Gita Course – US$ 400
Guidelines of the Course format:
- On registration, students will be grouped into batches of 25 and assigned to an Acharya and included in a webinar stream. At present CIF has bandwidth to conduct 6 streams.
- Each batch will have 24 or 30 sessions depending upon whether it is Foundation or Advanced Vedanta Courses or Bhagavad Gita Course respectively. Roughly two sessions will be conducted in a month. Periodic doubt clarification sessions will also be conducted.
- Students will be responding to a questionnaire at the end of each lesson and will be uploading it for Acharyas to evaluate them.
- The date and the time for the sessions and also the login credentials will be provided to the students directly.
- Pre-requisite for these webinar course: High speed computer, high speed internet facility with download speed not less than 3 mbps, a web camera, a head phone and a mike of good quality.
You can download a softcopy of the brochure and poster for the CIF Webinar Courses. We request you to kindly promote these Courses.
For further information and clarifications please contact:
Acharya (Smt.) Shanthi Rammohan
Administrator, Home Study Course Department
Chinmaya International Foundation
Ph. No: +91 484-2749676