Part – 1
2. ‘sadyomukti‘ in Shankara bhAShya:
Shankara tells us at over a score of places in his bhAShya-s that brahman by Its very intrinsic nature is:
नित्यशुद्धबुद्धमुक्तस्वभाव: | — Shankara in his commentaries at BSB; BGB; BUB; muNDaka B; mANDUkya B; &c.
Meaning: By nature eternal, pure, intelligent and free.
What we are in essence being non-different from brahman, we are also ever “free.” But, unfortunately, lacking a sense of ‘discrimination,’ as Shankara explains in his Intro (called ‘adhyAsa bhAShya’) to the Vedanta sUtra-s, we mix up what is “Real” with the “unreal.” As a result, we feel we are “bound and limited.” In addition, we take it for granted that we are, by birth, bound within a beginningless and apparently endless nescience. However, having received instruction from a compassionate teacher (vide 6.14.2, chAn.U,), and working diligently with discrimination, we shed our imaginary shackles and figuratively attain our natural freedom. Continue reading →