New – Topic of the month
We are beginning a new series (or at least seeing how it goes!)
This will aim to present frequent, specially chosen, short quotations on a different topic each month. Each blogger will aim to post several quotations and will be principally responsible for answering any questions which may arise from his or her post. It is not required that the poster agree with the post!
The title of each post will be of the format ‘Topic name – Post subject’ and will be accompanied by details of the source (‘Book title, author, ISBN’ or ‘teacher who said this and where’). Length of post will be no more than 200 words and sometime only a single sentence. I have generated a new category called ‘Topic of the month’. Please feel free to post comments with further suggestions.
The first topic is ‘Action’ and the first post will follow immediately.
I believe these short inspiring / provocative posts have an underlining theme (expectation) of greater participation from all the readers (regular / occasional) in an interactive and enlivening manner. May I suggest, in order to encourage active participation, that the requirement of passing through the Captcha check points be reduced to one time – either at the time of posting a comment or at the time of accessing instead of at both the levels. I am sure this will be less intimidating to a reader and also adequately protective from spams.
Excellent idea, Ramesam! What I have done is to change it so that subscribers no longer have to enter a Captcha in order to post a comment. But guests will. This will hopefully encourage casual vistors to subscribe although, as you point out, may discourage some from commenting. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an option to display a message which might explain this. I certainly agree that it is a pain – I often have to have several attempts and refresh several times before I get in! But allowing anyone to access without restriction was much more of a pain with all the spam that arrived.