6 Moksha 6-1 Preparation 6-1-2 Preparatory Action 6-1-2-13 Devotee of Cosmic-form 11(53 to 55), 10 (8 to 11)
6-1-2-13-1: 11(53 to 55) In chapter 11, Sri Krishna has shown His cosmic form to Arjuna for which he was temporarily given supernatural (wisdom) eyes by Sri Krishna. It means that ordinary eyes cannot appreciate the cosmic form of God. Rituals, austerities, and sacrifices themselves cannot earn the capacity to appreciate the cosmic form. Eyes of wisdom are required which can be acquired by sustained sadhana. Sri Krishna glorifies such sadhanas by belittling rituals, austerities, and sacrifices. It is a scriptural method to glorify a thing. It does not mean that belittled things are unimportant. They are important in their own rights. It is contextual. Bhakti is glorified as a sadhana of rejoicing cosmic form of God. Undivided devotion and a fervent desire to know God. Desire in a pure mind bereft of six enemies. With the sharpening of knowledge, a seeker merges with God. There is no separation between the devotee and the God. God is not a means, not an end. God is accomplished (Siddha) The removal of separation is the merger. It is a cognitive transformation with no physical change.
6-1-2-13-2: 10 (8 to 11) Sri Krishna talks about a devotee of the cosmic form of God. He is a middle-level devotee. Below him is a devotee who worships one God in the form of a personal deity. The highest devotee is a knower of Brahm, the formless God. A cosmic form devotee considers every aspect of creation as a form of God and rejoices. He is broad-minded and does not suffer from hatred and jealousy. Lord is the source of everything- material and efficient causes of creation. He dedicates his actions to God as offerings and accepts the fruits of action as God’s blessings. He is an informed bhakta as his knowledge of God is advanced. He is an ideal karma yogi. Equipped with eyes of wisdom, he sees the Lord in and through all experiences. His mind is soaked in God and he speaks about God to others. He experiences God in all relationships. A wave’s relationship with the ocean is fundamental. It is born out of the ocean; it rests in the ocean and dissolves in the ocean. A cosmic form devotee is like a wave in the ocean-like God and other waves are fellow beings.
6-1-2-14 Sacrifices 4(26 to 33) Sri Krishna talks about some spiritual disciplines for a seeker of knowledge. He names them sacrifices. They are mental in nature unlike general sacrifices involving fire. They are mind-centric and intended to purify the mind. The mind works in conjunction with sense organs. By controlling sense organs, the mind can be controlled. A practitioner controls the sense organs (eyes, ears, etc) by mentally offering them in the fire of sense control. He controls sense organs by offering sense objects (sound, taste, forms, etc) in the fire of sense control. Control is not suppression because suppression is as bad as indulgence. The idea is to mentally transcend the source of indulgence and indiscipline. It is discrimination and will-based self-control control. In the present context, it is sacrifice. Indisciplined sense organs and harmful sense objects are oblation and sense control is sacrificial fire. Sense control is called dama. He offers functions of sense organs and functions of vital forces into the fire of self-control. Prana and the mind are connected. Control of prana helps in the control of the mind. Self-control means mind control. There are ten organs, five for knowledge and five for action. By control of the mind, they are kept in check. Control of the mind is called sama. Different sacrifices depend on the nature of oblation and fire namely, material, austerity, yoga, non-violence, wisdom of scriptural study. Charity is material-based sacrifice. Performing austerity, i.e., self-imposed restraint on normal habits, and practicing Hath Yoga and Raja Yoga are considered sacrifices. The study of scriptures is an important sacrifice as it offers ignorance in the fire of knowledge. Knowledge is considered the best purifier. Inhalation, exhalation, and holding breath is a sacrifice. Eating is a sacred action and is a sacrifice. Overeating and undereating are not recommended. Control over food habits is an austerity. People who perform sacrifices are fit to gain knowledge of Brahm. Those who do not perform any sacrifice are unworthy. Sri Krishna has mentioned sample sacrifices. The Vedas mention a host of sacrifices involving the action of body, mind, and senses. Knowing and performing them is recommended. The interim purpose of sacrifice is purification of mind and the main goal is Self-knowledge. Sacrifice through knowledge is the best as it burns all karmas.
Contd Pt 16