Ignorance or Absence of Knowledge? – 7 (Final)

*** Go to Part 6 ***

The following question is concerned with the notion that ‘absence of a thing’ is an existent entity (another strange notion of post-Śaṅkara texts). This also formed an aspect of the discussions on the Advaitin List. It begins with my asking ChatGPT to translate the Devanagari text that formed part of the post by Sudhanshu on 6th Dec. 2024.

My Own Conclusions

So what have I gained from this discussion?

My view that many post-Śaṅkara authors have confused the issues remains unchanged. For example, Śaṅkara himself did not introduce the concepts of āvaraṇa and vikṣepa and they obviously make it more likely that one will believe that ignorance is an existent entity.

I also still believe that understanding avidyā as simply ‘lack of knowledge’ is adequate for explanations in Advaita and less likely to lead to confusion or misunderstanding. It has to be remembered that all explanations are interim only (adhyāropa). They are all mithyā and eventually have to be taken back (apavāda). Accordingly, any ‘explanation’ that introduces additional complexity is unwarranted and can serve no useful purpose unless it be to make some later problem more easily understandable. And I cannot think of anything that would justify that.

However, I do accept that it is meaningful to differentiate ‘degrees’ of the ‘lack of knowledge’. On the face of it, not being able to speak Mandarin, for example, does not normally lead to any experienced problems. It is simply a ‘lack’, along with all of the other things that I don’t know about. On the other hand, not knowing that it is a rope on the path in front of me can lead to experienced fear that it is snake.

One might therefore be tempted to say that the rope-ignorance is a positive entity, since it has an experienced effect. One is even tempted to say that it is ignorance that causes us to project the snake appearance (avidyā ‘causes’ adhyāsa). Or, as ChatGPT put it: it is the difference between “jñāna-abhāva (the simple absence of knowledge) and avidyā, which is not merely absence but includes a superimposed error.” Here, it is saying that avidyā ‘incorporates’ adhyāsa; we misperceive the rope and erroneously project the image of snake.

However, if I were drugged and kidnapped and woke up in China without any phone or money, I might well feel fear that I was unable to speak Mandarin! All that we can conclude from such an example is that lack of knowledge may have different consequences, depending upon the nature of the knowledge we are talking about, and the situation we are in at the time. When it comes to Advaita, our lack of knowledge that we are Brahman and reality is non-dual may well be thought to lead to all sorts of unpleasant consequences. But the vast majority of people on the planet will think that the very idea is quite ridiculous and that it is those who even consider it who suffer rather than those who have never heard of it.

It is when we experience ‘consequences’ of our lack of knowledge that we think of this lack being something positive, rather than just something that we don’t know about. When ‘not knowing’ does not affect us, we don’t even think about it. When it does, the mind is obliged to react in some way.

There is no doubt that some post-Śaṅkara authors write about an existent entity called ‘ignorance’. The suggestion that this ‘development’ occurred in order to be able to argue for Advaita against other philosophies seems perfectly reasonable. But there is no question but that these arguments are complex, often obscure, and require considerable intellectual skills, knowledge of logic etc., in order to be able to comprehend them. If there is no clear evidence that those who can follow these arguments are better able to gain Self-knowledge and mokṣa, then they obviously serve no useful purpose.

There is no clear evidence that Śaṅkara himself put forward the idea that ignorance is an existent entity or that he would have supported the developments of his later followers. (On the topic of a ‘primordial ignorance’, a ‘root cause’ of everything – mūlāvidyā – there have been volumes written. Swami Satchidanandendra wrote a scathing critique of the idea and advocated a return to the essential teaching of Śaṅkara. Following this, arguments raged throughout his life and continue up to today. You can read all about it, along with the other ideas in this series, in my book ‘Confusions in Advaita Vedanta: Ignorance and its Removal’, which will be published by Indica at Varanasi before summer 2025.)

*** End of Series ***

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