अज्ञस्य विज्ञस्य च विश्वमस्ति
पूर्वस्य दृश्यम् जगदेव सत्यम् ।
परस्य दृश्याश्रय भूतमेकम्
सत्यम् प्रपूर्णम् प्रविभात्यरूपम् ॥—२०
aj~nasya vij~nasya cha vishvamasti
pUrvasya dRishyam jagadeva satyam
parasya dRishyAshraya bhUtamekam
satyam prapUrNam pravibhAtyarUpam—20
aj~nasya = for the ignorant, vij~nasya cha = for the wise also; vishvamasti = there is world; pUrvasya dRishyam jagadeva satyam = for the former the seen world is real;
parasya = of the other; dRishyAshraya bhUtamekam = that has become the substratum of the world; satyam = prapUrNam = whole; pravibhAtyarUpam = formless shines
The world exists for the ignorant and the wise man. To the former the seen world alone is real; while to the other that has become the substratum of the seen, the whole, formless truth shines.