Here is an extract from the final chapter of James Swartz’s new book ‘The Essence of Enlightenment’. I haven’t read it all myself yet, but dipping into it at random shows that it is every bit as good as his ‘How to Attain Enlightenment’. It has, for me, his hallmark style of forthright, clear, informative writing, adhering to traditional teaching derived from scriptures and as interpreted by modern sampradAya-s. He has no qualms about bluntly (even brutally) exposing mistaken views but leaves the reader feeling uplifted, and with a much clearer understanding of even the most difficult topic.
Tag Archives: book extract
Book Extract – Brahmasūtra
Extract: Realization of Brahman from the new book by Raphael.
Raphael comments on 5 sutras from Bādarāyaṇa’s Brahmasūtra, which address the realization of Brahman and its identity with Atman. These extracts begin with the teaching of neti, neti.
3.2.23. That [Brahman] is unmanifest, for this is what [the Śruti] states.
Book Extract – Voyager
Book Extract – Living from the Heart
Living from the Heart – Nirmala
Extract – ‘Love is for Giving‘.
Note that the Part 2 of the book may also be downloaded from Nirmala’s website.
Book Extract – always alread free
Recognizing Who You Are –
an extract from the forthcoming book by Enza Vita (and the offer to download the first 3 chapters).
You live in confusion and the illusion of things. There is a reality. You are that reality.
When you know that, you know that you are nothing, and in being nothing, are everything. That is all.
— Kalu Rinpoche
Book Extract – The Selfward Facing Way
From Chapter 3: “Knowledge Must Apply Directly to the Whole”. This is the first volume (‘Understanding’) of a two-part work by Sally Ross (the second volume will be ‘Practice’). Sally’s teacher is Claudio, whose influences include Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Suzuki Roshi, Ramesh, J. Krishnamurti, Shankara and Anandamayi Ma.
Book Extract – VEDĀNTA the solution to our fundamental problem
Introduction and part-chapter from the book by D. Venugopal, who is a student of Swami Parmarthananda and a direct disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda. He is also the author of the book ‘Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati – his uniqueness in the vedanta sampradaya’.
The topic is Brahman is the intelligent and the material cause.
Book Extract – Embracing the Now
Extract: Happiness is Here Right Now
from the book ‘Embracing the Now: Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is‘ by Gina Lake.
Book Extract – Meeting the Mystery
Meeting the Mystery – Nirmala
Extract – ‘Grace Is All There Is‘.
Note that the whole of Chapter 7 may also be downloaded from Nirmala’s website.
The Dream Problem (Part 3)
Part 3 of the New Book Serialization!
Committing suicide in the dream. The Sage asks the dreamer if he can drown himself, since he claims to know that it is only a dream.