Short questions and answers No. 3

Here are a few more short Q & A’s which do not merit a separate post of their own: (Dennis’ answers, so don’t blame any of the other bloggers!)

Questions addressed are: how to improve one’s life; the value of japa meditation; who it is that removes ignorance; and (that perennial favorite) why bother seeking enlightenment? Continue reading

Consciousness and Mythology (or, Consciousness, Nausicaa and Ulysses)

“Mythology is the penultimate truth… Its ‘worlds’ and ‘gods’ are levels of reference and symbolic entities which are neither places nor individuals, but states of mind realizable within you.” — Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

If memories are nothing but thoughts, one after another, in the present moment, where alone they can exist, there is no loss – one feels – if most of them, even all of those which are merely personal, disappear altogether as into a dust-bin of useless personal history, a dark corner or recess of things readily forgotten, unclaimed and uncried for. But there are other thoughts, memories, that resist being forgotten. The deeds and trials of valiant, resourceful and noble Ulysses; the feminine beauty and candor of Nausicaa when she first encountered him; the ten years’ efforts and sufferings of the Aecheans (and the Troyans) seemingly helpless in front of the inexpugnable walls of Troya, which ended finally in the destruction of that legendary city; the prowess of swift Achilles, the prudence of Telemacus and the steadfastness, ingenuity and devotion of Penelope.The battle-field of Kurushketra, both armies arrayed for battle while Arjuna ponders what to do in such a painful dilemma… and so many other great deeds of heroic adventure and courageous example – the word epic describes the meaning of it all – whether fact is mixed with fiction, imaginations from the fertile minds of poets… but still unforgettable. Are these, and many others, not imprinted indelibly in mens’ minds across millenia? Are all these also to be lost for ever, thrown into utter oblivion? Can Consciousness Itself bear to ever be separated from such stupendous, towering events as have remained in the minds of men from time immemorial; in men (or minds) who refuse to forget them as the inheritance to which they lay claim – exploits they.aspire to emulate, even if in a lesser, or symbolical form? Well,  this is the lower realm, the realm of contingency, of men’s passions and narrow vision – of deeds of fallible men, even if they be heroes. Things in this world are error-prone, deceitful and ephemeral. And yet… beauty cannot be removed from the best of human acts, feelings, and aspirations. And Beauty is of the eternal. Is this, are these real questions?   A.M.


You are preaching to the choir. The beauty of the book 6 of the Odyssey, the encounter of Ulysses and Nausicaa, the first verses and their enchanting rythm
are forever engraved in my memory since I discovered them at age 15. They emanate directly from the Source, to which we return, and which contains them, and all the heroes and gentle souls they speak of. Nothing gets ever lost. There are many rooms in our Father’s mansion, and there is room for all.  Francis Lucille.

The Past and Future Are In The “Now” Only

The 53 min long Physics Video on “Illusion of Time” is now available on Youtube.
If you have not already seen it, you should not miss as a Vedantin.
Please watch it to know the latest developments in Physics on What is Time, Time travel etc.  What does “Now” mean is covered from about 20th minute to 32nd minute.  There is nothing like a  ‘past’ that has given way to the ‘present’ in absolute one dimensional time. 
As Dr. Albert Einstein said: “The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent. (In a letter to Michelangelo Besso, 21 March 1955).
One aspect not covered in the Video is this: It is easy to imagine for any one that the present “now” (at this moment) can develop into any number of different possible scenarios in the “future.”  Each such possibility could happen in one or the other universe out of multiple universes (H. Everett’s hypothesis).  Similarly then, because of time symmetry in physical laws, one can imagine that the present “now”  (as an outcome) has multiple possibilities in the past.  (One strange consequence is one can never be sure that one is definitely the child of only a specific couple!).
The Link:  Click  here.

Discovering oneself: Part 1/2

Samsāra, this life of limitations, this life of transmigration, is because of the lack of discriminative knowledge of what Self is and what it is not. That ignorance is caused by the covering power of māyā, which covers internally and externally: internally it covers the discrimination between the seer and the seen, and externally it covers discrimination between the Reality and the creation.

Internally, delusion causes error such as: ‘I am insecure, dependent, unhappy, limited, etc.’ These wrong notions are caused by lack of discriminative knowledge at the individual level. Externally it takes the form: ‘this universe is the source of happiness, it is responsible for my unhappiness, I am dependent on the universe, the universe will give me security, etc.’ (The universe includes friends, relatives, property etc).

One’s notion about the self (internal) is wrong and notion about the universe (external) is also wrong. Every human being makes this common error. These erroneous notions are caused by lack of discriminative knowledge. We do not have discrimination regarding what is absolutely true and what is ‘as though’ true in the universe, hence we have a wrong notion about the universe. Continue reading

Eka jIva vAda – I Am Alone: Part I

The Question at # 340 is, IMO, a landmine!

It sounds quite innocuous but barely conceals the explosive depths of its profundity.

It’s a cleverly worded question on the very origins of you and me, of the world, nay, of the “creation” itself, pregnant with implications on what comes first – the ‘witnessed’ or the ‘witnessor.’

The answer would inevitably be a replay of the classic debate on perception-based-creation (dRshTi-sRshTi-vAda) vs. creation-based-perception (sRshTi-dRshTi-vAda). But Advaita holds, contrary to either view, quite counterintuitively, that nothing has ever originated (ajAti vAda). Continue reading

Witnessing Consciousness – Q.340

Q: What is the difference between the witness, witness consciousness and consciousness? I know myself as the witness or maybe as witness consciousness but I do not know myself as all there is which, I guess, would be knowing myself as consciousness. But how can I ever not see the world of objects? So do I not remain a witness choicelessly?

A (Sitara): Contained in your question are seven questions (which I have passed on to the other bloggers, so some may refer to them):

 1.            What is the difference between the witness, witness consciousness and consciousness?

This will be answered below along with the last question.

 2.            (implied question) Is there a difference between the witness and witness consciousness?

Answer: no, not in the way I use the terms. But there is the possibility of a flawed use of the term ‘witness’. Witness means the ultimate subject that cannot be objectified. If witnessing is attributed to the mind, the so-called witness is nothing but a thought, i.e. it is just another object. And the so-called witnessing is nothing but an experience.

 If, however, witness is used in the sense of ‘ultimate subject’, you can use ‘witness’ and ‘witness consciousness’ interchangeably. I prefer the term ‘witness consciousness’ (or simply ‘witnessing’) because the term ‘witness’ suggest too much of a personality. Continue reading

All One

When you have a dream at night, the dream comes from you, is sustained by you, and resolves into you; and yet when you wake up in the morning, nothing has happened to you.

Your being was the very being of the dream. The material of the dream was your being. Even the intelligence was your intelligence. Continue reading